Housing & Enterprise Zone Dual Purpose

Wirral Waters is self billed as the “largest and most exciting regeneration project in the UK”. It focuses it efforts on rejuvenating the Wirral bank of the Mersey, providing new housing, business hosting and public spaces.

Designated by the Government as both a Housing Zone and Enterprise Zone, the region is recognised as equally important in terms of business growth and the demand for housing. It’s the only area of the UK which has been granted dual purpose in this way.

A modern approach to construction

There is a strong emphasis on modern thinking, too. Of the 13,000 residential units which have received planning permission at Wirral Waters, 347 of the house style accommodation is being built in modules. Manchester based Urban Splash will be constructing houses off-site, transporting the modules for assembly at Wirral Waters.

The state-of-the-art plans for the region also include a care village which will be maintained by specialist dementia care provider Belong. It’s a considered nod to the needs of the Wirral, and is another opportunity for suppliers in the area.

A bigger network, more Wirral-based opportunity

Not only does all of the work have a shorter term effect for businesses in the area supplying to demands of construction work. The ongoing projects will also need providing, not to mention the newly installed audience in the housing areas.

An Enterprise Zone to stimulate growth

Recognising the waterfront potential, the Enterprise Zone is seeking to utilise the waterside location as a way of generating more traction for local business. The project is seeking to develop an additional 20,000 jobs in the area, with heavy weight collaboration across organisations. It means that funding opportunities are available for the right pitches, and so well worth considering a step in that direction.


Are you involved in the Wirral Waters project, or considering how it might affect you? We would love to hear from you!